After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russian troops advance into Butja on February 27.

Heavy fighting continues for several days, which makes it difficult to evacuate civilians, and on March 12, Ukrainian authorities confirm that the Russian forces have now taken control of the city.

Russian retreat

But at the end of March, Russia suddenly announces that it would "regroup" and Russian troops begin to leave occupied territories outside Kiev.

On March 31, Ukrainian forces enter Butya and the following day the Ukrainian military proclaims the city as recaptured.

First pictures

The next day, the first of April, terrible images from the newly liberated city begin to spread. When the international media are allowed in, they are met with executions, torture and mass graves.

Along the streets are shot civilians and when SVT arrives in Butja on April 4, you get to see with your own eyes the atrocities that were committed during the occupation.

"There are no words," says SVT's Ukraine correspondent Bengt Norborg during his visit to the city.

A tormented population

Prosecutors in Kiev estimate that Russian soldiers killed about 1,400 civilians in Butja and still many of the surviving residents suffer severe trauma. Mayor Anatolii Fedoruk told Reuters residents are now trying to push away memories of last year by rebuilding their city.

"It's in every resident's heart, soul and thoughts," Fedoruk says.

See SVT's and other journalists' pictures from Butja that aroused horror all over the world in the video above. Warning of very unpleasant images in the wrapping.