In response to the conclusion of the framework for measures to address the declining birthrate, Prime Minister Kishida spoke to reporters earlier and indicated that he would establish a new meeting chaired by himself and with experts and other experts, and that he would proceed with more detailed consideration of the contents of measures, budgets, and financial resources based on the drafts.

Prime Minister Kishida instructs Chairman Hagiuda to hold intra-party discussions

In response to the government's efforts to strengthen measures to address the declining birthrate, Prime Minister Kishida held a 31-minute meeting with LDP Political Research Chairman Hagiuda at the Prime Minister's Office on the evening of March 30.

In preparation for the formulation of the "Basic Policy" in June, he instructed the party to deepen discussions on the details of detailed measures based on the draft, and Mr. Hagiuda said that it would be considered at the Policy Affairs Research Committee.

Minister in charge of declining birthrate Ogura: "We need to change social structure and awareness"

At a press conference, Minister Ogura said, "The basic direction we should aim for is to enable the younger generation to marry as desired, have children who wish, and raise children without stress, while respecting diverse values and ways of thinking.

She also pointed out that "women are forced to give up their careers amid the extremely heavy burden of childcare, as they are called 'one-operation childcare,' and we must create a society of 'dual-income and co-parenting,' change the social structure, and change our awareness so that everyone can support children and the child-rearing generation."

He also stated, "A major feature of this meeting is that it expands the scope of the scope and goes into economic and social measures to increase the income of the younger generation.

He then stated, "Under the leadership of the Children and Family Agency, we will launch a national campaign around the summer, and we will work to reform awareness beyond systems and measures, such as creating a society that is friendly to children and child-rearing, and creating a workplace environment that promotes childcare leave and flexible work styles."

Chairman of the Political Research Council of Rikmin, Nagatsuma: "The contents are all 'considerations'"

Nagatsuma, chairman of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan's political affairs research committee, told reporters, "The content is all 'considerations' and many places do not write a deadline, so there is no way to evaluate. I would like to approve the removal of income restrictions on child allowance and the extension of it until high school graduation, but I feel indignant that it is too late, so I would like the government to proceed at a rapid pace."