As for the 18-year-old, she too should be convicted of murder, the prosecutor said. However, he believes the penalty could range from 18 years in prison to life. Adam Rullman says there are no mitigating circumstances that could generate a lower sentence — but aggravating.

Want milder or no punishment

The defense, for its part, believes that life imprisonment is too harsh a punishment as there was no intent to kill.

"My client should not be convicted of murder," says Clea Sangborn.

"And if the court still chooses to convict her of murder, she should not be sentenced to more than 16 years in prison, not life," she says.

The 18-year-old's defender, Mikael Svegfors, believes his client should be completely acquitted.

"She hasn't been there when Tove dies, the evidence against her is vanishingly thin," he said during the closing argument.