Researcher Cecilia Lindh at Mälardalen University has done several studies on influencer marketing and her latest major study shows that influencers influence sustainable purchases online.

"If the influencer recommends sustainable products or by actively making sustainable actions and choices themselves – then sustainability becomes a factor that affects the buying group of millennials and their consumption of fashion online," says Cecilia Lindh, who researches digitalization and marketing.

"The relationship between the influencer and the follower is stronger"

In general, according to Lindh, influencers have great power in the situations that companies find an influencer who matches the company.

For example, if a game company makes a collaboration with someone who has many followers, great engagement and who makes game content.

"Then it has a greater effect than a regular advertising ad. That's when the relationship between the influencer and the follower is stronger," explains researcher Cecilia Lindh.

In the clip, researcher Cecilia Lindh answers three questions about what influencers' power looks like.