According to Rosatom Ceo Alexei Likhachev, when choosing names, the state corporation relied on the opinion of the captains of nuclear ships.

It is noted that the Governor of the Kamchatka Territory Vladimir Solodov welcomed this decision.

"Our region is famous for its incredible nature, including volcanoes, mountains, lakes, rivers and seas. The name Kamchatka symbolizes the power and beauty of nature. To give one of the icebreakers the name Kamchatka is not only respect for our region, but also for its role in the development of Russia, "he said.

According to the development plan of the Northern Sea Route, seven nuclear icebreakers 22220, four non-nuclear icebreakers, as well as the lead nuclear icebreaker "Russia" of project 10510 will be in operation. "

The laying of the nuclear-powered ship "Kamchatka" is scheduled for May 2024, and the icebreaker "Sakhalin" - for the autumn of 2025.