Inflation will be high for the rest of the year, ki estimates in its latest forecast. Alexandra Stråberg likens the very high inflation to a mountain:

"We have to get down this mountain. It was pretty quick to get up, but there will be many steps down before we reach base camp at 2 percent.

Households are doubly affected when most things become more expensive at the same time as interest costs rise. Because when inflation goes down and interest rates follow suit, the situation can brighten.

"But it's going to take a while before we get there, so it's important to get through these years as best you can.

"Once it comes down, it becomes more fun in the wallet.

Until then, many Swedes will be forced to prioritize the economy in a different way, she says. For example, when it comes to home purchases.

"You may have to choose a little differently, and not as big, as you have done before.