It is a former and a current employee at the Police Authority in Borås who has now been convicted of, among other things, gross misconduct. Peter Sörstedt takes the incident seriously, but believes that the two police officers had good intentions with their investigation.

"I don't think they've done this for the purpose of making things more difficult, but to facilitate, and to make sure that this murder is investigated. Their underlying purpose has been to do something good but things have gone wrong along the way.

At present, one of the police officers still has a job at the police in Borås. It is the Personnel Responsibility Board (PAN) of the Police Federation that will take a final decision on whether the sentenced person's employment can continue.

"It has been said before by PAN that if you are convicted of gross misconduct, you can risk losing your employment," says Peter Sörstedt.

Refuting schism within the police

On the first day of the case, the court had to suspend the proceedings, as one of the jurors was deemed to be disqualified. The person had a close relationship with a police officer who knew one of the accused police officers.

The reason why there should have been a conflict of interest in this context was because there should be a schism between different factions in the police in Borås.

"I have no idea that there should be a structured schism within the police area or the local police area. However, there can certainly be different settings among different individuals.

There is no fear in you that similar cases may arise in the future?

"This is an extremely unusual situation, and I have no fear whatsoever that an event like this could happen again.