China News Network, March 3 According to "Russia Today" (RT), on the 28th local time, on the 27th anniversary of the death of "the first man in space" and Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, the Russian State Scientific and Technical Documentation Archive released a batch of photos of the site of Gagarin's death.

Image source: Screenshot of the "Russia Today" (RT) report

On March 1968, 3, Gagarin's MiG-27UTI fighter trainer crashed in the Vladimir area near Moscow, killing him and another pilot, Seregin.

According to the report, Russian officials have not officially announced the cause of the crash, which has led to various speculations, including operating errors or collisions with weather balloons, and even encountering "unidentified flying objects" (UFOs).

Fragments of the fuselage of the MiG-15 fighter trainer. (Image source: official website of the Russian State Scientific and Technical Archive)

Photographs of the scene taken by the Russian investigative committee on the second day of the accident have never been made public before. Photographs show debris scattered at the crash site, but the photos still do not explain the cause of the tragedy.

The newly released photos reportedly also include a photo of Gagarin's funeral. Both Gagarin and Serekin were buried in Red Square in Moscow.

The funeral of Gagarin and Serekin on March 1968, 3, pictured is the funeral procession on Red Square. (Image source: official website of the Russian State Scientific and Technical Archive)

At 1961:4 on April 12, 9, at the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, 07-year-old Gagarin took the Vostok-27 spacecraft to orbit the Earth in an orbit of 301 kilometers at an apogee, lasting 1 hour and 48 minutes, and returned safely at 10:55, becoming the first human person to enter space.

On April 2011, 4, the 7th session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution designating April 65 as International Human Space Day. April 4, 12, was the day Gagarin achieved the first human space flight, a historic event that opened up new avenues for human space exploration.