The list of food ingredients should be marked according to the specifications (concern of the people)

The ingredients and ingredient lists on food packaging are important reference information for consumers to make choices, and they are also important contents that must be detailed as required by laws and regulations. However, some food manufacturers do not truthfully reflect and clearly indicate on the ingredients and ingredient lists: some deliberately conceal the food additives used, especially the illegal addition or use of food additives beyond the range and limit; Some replace everyday names with awkward scientific names, leaving consumers confused; Others blur the ingredient list, such as using "spices" to summarize product ingredients in general. All kinds of chaos have caused food safety hazards and violated consumers' right to know.

Not long ago, Ms. Guo from Huludao City, Liaoning Province, bought a bread from the Internet, and found that in the nutrition list on the back of the package, energy, protein, fat, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, etc. were all question marks, and the ingredients column was also printed with the word "confidential". "What is there to keep the ingredients of a loaf of bread secret? There is not even the content of the individual ingredients, isn't this a blatant fool to consumers? The manufacturer is simply outrageous. Ms. Guo said.

In this regard, Chai Jiangang, a lawyer at Beijing Wanshang Tianqin Law Firm, said that this behavior of the manufacturer is suspected of being illegal, "The Food Safety Law stipulates that the packaging of prepackaged food should have a label, and the label should indicate the ingredients or ingredient list, as well as the generic name of the food additive used in the national standard." When consumers encounter a situation where the food ingredient list is not completely marked, the regulatory authorities shall give corresponding penalties in accordance with the law, and if the circumstances are serious, they may also order the suspension of production and business until the license is revoked. ”

"My daughter loves cakes, biscuits and the like. I found that the existing food manufacturers were vague on the ingredient list, did not label the ingredients according to national regulations, but invented some terms and concepts, such as using words such as '0 sugar' and 'all natural', confusing the brand name and ingredient content, so that consumers misunderstood. Ms. Ai, a reader in Foshan City, Guangdong Province, said in her letter, "It is recommended that the food regulatory authorities strengthen the supervision and management of food ingredient lists, require manufacturers to standardize the food additives used in labeling, protect consumers' right to know, and facilitate consumers to make choices." ”

Guo Jianzhong, a reader in Jincheng City, Shanxi, said that there are many types of prepackaged foods, each type of food, each specific product has its own characteristics, for the labeling of food ingredient list, the policy gives flexible operation space, which is to adapt to the needs of different products, "but this does not mean that manufacturers can act arbitrarily." While strengthening corporate compliance and industry self-discipline, regulatory authorities should also adopt more effective scientific methods to ensure food safety and protect consumers' health on the tip of their tongues." ”

"Food safety is the most basic requirement of consumers for food, and manufacturers must take it seriously." Zhang Yiqun, a teacher at the School of Food and Health of Beijing Technology and Business University, said that China's laws and regulations clearly stipulate that the use of food additives should not cause any health hazards to the human body, nor can it cover up the quality defects of the food itself or during processing, or use food additives for the purpose of adulteration, adulteration and forgery. "Such problems also need to be followed up by relevant departments in a timely manner, and normative documents such as laws and regulations, industry standards and other normative documents are updated to further clarify industry production standards." All departments work together to protect the public's food health and safety. Zhang Yiqun said.

Some readers also said that problems such as concealment and falsification of food ingredient lists infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, but consumers often face a long process when protecting their rights, with long time, high costs, and difficulty in protecting their rights. In this regard, Zhang Yiqun said that the market supervision and management department should deal with consumer complaints in a timely manner, scientifically design supervision methods, enrich regulatory forces through multiple channels and levels, actively advocate self-discipline of food enterprises, and constantly consolidate the foundation of food safety guarantee.

(Reporter Zhang Weihao, People's Daily)