One million particles an hour. That's how much a human body lets go, which is a problem in the extremely clean environment required in an operating room.

Skin particles contain bacteria, the cause behind the most common healthcare injury: infections.

Although hospital injuries are going down, last year 87,000 patients were affected.

"Protective clothing for healthcare professionals is important to reduce infections," says Associate Professor Jakob Löndahl at Lund University.

But the clothes and protections worn by staff in operating rooms are unfortunately not enough to prevent healthcare-associated infections after surgery.

"Even if you have good clothes, particles are constantly emitted. You can't completely clog your face, for example, so you also need good ventilation and a little discipline so that you don't open the door to the operating room unnecessarily," says Jakob Löndahl.

In the video above, SVT's reporter tests the experimental chamber at Lund University. How big is the difference in particle release with and without protective clothing?