According to Taiwan's "Central News Agency", the water level in Taiwan's Sun Moon Lake continues to fall, considering the safety of tourists and avoiding damage to pier facilities, the management office has previously implemented the first and second phase response measures such as dragging away the floating row and connection, etc., from the 3th to close the right approach bridge of Xuanguang Wharf, and must walk on the left approach bridge to go up and down the pier.

In order to avoid damage to the pier facilities and consider the safety of tourists, the Sun Moon Lake Scenic Area Management Office closed the right approach bridge of Xuanguang Pier from the 24th. Image source: Sun Moon Lake Scenic Area Management Office

The full water level of Sun Moon Lake Reservoir is 748.48 meters, according to the website of the "Water Resources Department", the water level of Sun Moon Lake Reservoir today is 741.80 meters, and the water storage rate is 60.31%; In response to the drop in water level in the dry season, the Sun Moon Lake Scenic Area Management Office launched the first and second phases of response measures on March 3 and 8 respectively, including dragging off the wharf approach bridge and floating rows.

The Sun Moon Lake Scenic Area Management Office issued a press release today pointing out that the recent drop in water level has affected the stability of the right approach bridge and floating row of Xuanguang Wharf, and under the premise of not affecting the normal function of Xuanguang Wharf recreation and maintaining the safety of tourists walking the approach bridge, the right approach bridge of Xuanguang Wharf will be closed from today onwards, tourists will take the left approach bridge to go up and down the pier, and the floating row No. 2 to No. 4 of the pier will maintain normal operation.

The management office said that safety is the first step to improve the quality of tourism, so that people can travel with peace of mind and create a safe and high-quality tourism environment is an important goal of the management office to promote tourism marketing.

The management office said that the rainfall in the central and southern parts of Taiwan is still not good, the water level of the Sun Moon Lake Reservoir continues to decline, boat trips to the lake is a popular itinerary for tourists visiting Sun Moon Lake, considering the safety of boat tourists walking the pier approach bridge and floating row, the management office in addition to initiating response measures, but also continue to station security at each pier, tourists can ask for security assistance if necessary, in the future, depending on the rolling water situation of Sun Moon Lake to take safety response measures, and cooperate with yacht operators to overcome water difficulties.