Alexandre Chauveau 07:55, March 21, 2023

Nearly a third of Republican deputies finally voted for the transpartisan motion of no confidence tabled by the centrist group Liot, after the passage of the pension reform by 49.3, despite the opposition of the leaders of the party. Now on the right, divisions are more present than ever.

In the end, only nine votes were missing. This Monday at the National Assembly, on the occasion of the vote on the transpartisan motion of censure tabled by the centrist group Liot, after the use of 49.3 as part of the pension reform bill, the government of Elisabeth Borne trembled, to the surprise of some. If the Nupes, as well as the National Rally, mobilized to vote censure, 19 Republican deputies also chose to vote for the text, against the advice of their leaders, Olivier Marleix and Eric Ciotti.

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An important figure, when the party, like the government, was counting on ten, or at most, 15 MPs in favour of the motion. They are therefore finally 19, including Aurélien Pradié and his relatives, Pierre-Henri Dumont, Julien Dive and Raphaël Schellenberger. The deputy of the Lot calls to draw the lessons of this sequence for the right.

"This vote says we are going to have debates," he told reporters. "But that's the story. Really, I'm telling you today, I have only one obsession, that's what's happening in our country. What I simply see in the Republicans is that, what we have talked about a lot, often this personal adventure (that is LR), is not quite a personal adventure, "concludes Aurélien Pradié.

The motion of the RN also voted by LR deputies

And among the voters, some voices question. Nearly a dozen of them come from close to Laurent Wauquiez, such as Isabelle Valentin, whose deputy is none other than the president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. The General Staff of the Republicans, followers of the Coué method, refuses to speak of divisions. "The Republicans have shown consistency, responsibility and we are registered in the defense of our institutions, where others want to put them down," said the party's president, Eric Ciotti.

Finally, the last blow: three LR deputies also voted for the motion of the National Rally. Pierre Cordier, Fabien Di Filippo and Maxime Minot.