The Vice-President of the Assembly recalls, in a tweet, that faced with "a situation of democratic deadlock", "the President of the Republic still has the possibility of using Article 10 of the Constitution, which would allow the National Assembly to be able to vote on the pension reform".

According to this article, "the President of the Republic promulgates the laws within fifteen days following the transmission to the Government of the law definitively adopted. He may, before the expiry of this period, ask Parliament for a new deliberation of the law or of certain of its articles. This new deliberation cannot be refused."

This procedure has already been used three times, says Valérie Rabault: in 1983, in 1985 and in 2003.

In 1983, the article was applied to a law on the organization of a World Expo, to which the France was no longer a candidate, which made it possible never to enact a law adopted by Parliament.

In 1985, it was used for a law on New Caledonia, to replace certain articles censored by the Constitutional Council.

And, in 2003, this procedure was used for a law on the election of regional councillors and MEPs, also to replace a censored article.

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