The Swedish Lifesaving Society recommends twelve years as the age limit and that the child should be able to swim.

- The definition of "swimmer" is really very simple. You should be able to fall into deep water, come to the surface and then swim 200 meters, of which 50 meters on your back. When the children can, you can let them bathe themselves with a clear conscience, says Mikael Olausson, safety manager SLS.

Confusion about responsibility

SLS feels that bathhouses and parents have different expectations of each other – where both sides expect the other party to be responsible for the child.

"We feel that there has been a gap between visitors and the bathhouses. The facility expects the children to have water habit to some extent when they come to bathe, while parents can expect the bathhouse to have full responsibility.

"It's a problem"

He believes that a swimming facility is different from other playgrounds.

"A swimming facility is not like a sports hall or a playground or playground where you let the kids in and the kids can handle themselves. It is the guardian who has responsibility for his children, although there is also a responsibility on the part of the bath masters to offer a safe facility with clear safety rules, such as an age limit, says Mikael Olausson.

SLS wishes a twelve-year limit to be introduced as a standard across the country.

"There is no clear legislation and we can think that is a problem. It leaves a lot to arbitrariness," says Mikael Olausson.

In the clip: Hear what guardians should think about before letting their children bathe alone.