China News Network, March 3 (Reporter Song Yusheng) Cyberspace is the common spiritual home of hundreds of millions of people. With the rapid development of network technology, the Internet has long become an important platform for people to obtain information and exchange ideas.

According to the 51st Statistical Report on Internet Development in China, released this month, as of December last year, the number of Internet users in China reached 12.10 billion, and the Internet penetration rate reached 67.75%.

How to create and maintain a beautiful, clear and healthy online space? How to make positive energy become a "big traffic" on the network? There is no doubt that every netizen is a window to "tell Chinese stories well and spread Chinese voices".

Filling cyberspace with positive energy inevitably requires gathering the positive energy of many netizens to spread for good.

The 2022 China Positive Energy "Five Hundred" Network Excellence Collection and Selection Exhibition Activity, hosted by the Cyberspace Administration of China, is such an activity that condenses and strengthens the positive energy of the Internet.

With the theme of "Unite and Strive for a New Journey, Strive Together to Create a Great Cause", the event aims to further strengthen the construction of online content by collecting and selecting a number of positive energy works on the Internet, and inspire hundreds of millions of netizens with the surging positive energy of China.

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China drew up a grand blueprint for comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization, and sounded the clarion call of the times for a new journey of endeavor.

"A great cause breeds a great spirit, and a great spirit advances a great cause."

Mortals shimmer, shimmer into torches. Gathering countless positive energies to form a "large flow" will surely inspire countless people to unite and forge ahead and strive together.

The new era puts forward new missions, and the new journey calls for new actions. The 2022 China Positive Energy "Five Hundred" Online Boutique Collection and Selection Exhibition will present the vivid picture of the strivers in this era through various positive energy works, so as to show a credible, lovely and respectable image of China.

Since the launch of the "Five Hundreds", the quality of the content of the submitted works has been continuously improved and the influence has continued to expand. These online positive energy works show the highlights of economic and social development, reflecting the great struggle and a better life; Respond to social concerns, resolve doubts and confusions, analyze things clearly, and guide the masses to form consensus.

"Five Hundreds" has been held for six times so far, which has produced a wide social impact and continuously exported positive energy to the Internet. This event will further strengthen the construction of online content, enrich the supply of positive energy on the Internet, and inspire hundreds of millions of netizens to write a new chapter of national rejuvenation with the surging positive energy of China. (End)