During one academic year, 35 classes are raffled off in Karlskrona municipality's upper secondary schools. Depending on the size of the class, between four to six people are raffled off who are offered to take the drug test.

"If you come into contact with drugs, you should choose to abstain and you can then blame the fact that the school may drug test you," Algerstedt tells the students in the classroom.

Offered drug test

A random number generator on the social educators' computer randomizes a number. The student who has the same number in the class list may accompany one of the special educators to another room. There, the student answers questions about alcohol and drugs and is offered to conduct a drug test by providing a urine sample.

In the class today, six people are raffled off. Everyone chooses to complete the drug test.

"If the student says no and there is no other concern about the student from school, nothing happens," says Andreas Glingfors.