Lionel Gougelot SEASON 2022 - 202320h15, March 11, 2023

Find the entire "Europe Soir Weekend" with Pierre de Vilno and his guests, on Europe 1.

Guest :

Sylvie Bermann

, former French Ambassador to the UK 

Benjamin Morel

, lecturer in public law at the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas, author of La France en crumbs.

Regionalisms, the other separatism (Ed. du Cerf, 2 Feb. 2023) 

Jonas Haddad

, lawyer, co-president of the Concorde foundation

Colombe Schneck

, author, for her latest novel Mensonges au paradis (Grasset, in bookstores since Wednesday)

David Le Bars

, General Secretary of the Syndicate of National Police Commissioners, co-author with Frédéric Ploquin of Hatred in the Eyes (Albin Michel)

Frédéric Ploquin

, investigative journalist specializing in the police, banditry and intelligence and writer, author of French narcos break the omerta (Albin Michel, 2021).

His latest book Jacky le Mat.

The Godfather, showbiz and politics has just been released by Plon