An Australian study concluded that vitamin D deficiency - vitamin "D" (D) - is associated with premature death, so what is its normal percentage?

And what food does it contain?

The study was conducted by researchers from the University of South Australia, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, and reported by York Alert.

The researchers found that the greater the vitamin D deficiency, the greater the risk of death.

Vitamin D is beneficial for bone and muscle health

Vitamin D is an important nutrient that helps maintain good health and keep our bones and muscles strong and healthy.

"While severe vitamin D deficiency is rarer in Australia than anywhere else in the world, it still affects those with underlying health issues, the elderly, and those who don't get enough of the vitamin," said Josh Sutherland, first author of the study. d from healthy exposure to the sun and food sources.”

"Our study provides strong evidence of the association between low levels of vitamin D and mortality, and this is the first study of its kind to also include deaths related to respiratory diseases as an outcome."

The level of vitamin D is measured by the levels of the compound "25-hydroxyvitamin D" (25-hydroxyvitamin D) in nanomol / liter (nmol / L), nanograms / milliliter or nanograms / ml (ng / mL).

The results could indicate the following:

The researchers looked at data from 307,601 people from UK Biobank records.

Low vitamin D levels were defined as less than 25 nmol/L.

The mean concentration of vitamin D in the group was 45.2 nmol/L.

During a 14-year follow-up period, the researchers found that the risk of death decreased significantly as vitamin D concentrations increased, with the strongest effects seen among those with severe deficiency.

Professor Elina Hyppönen, lead researcher and director of the Australian Center for Precision Health, said more research is now needed to establish effective public health strategies that can help achieve national guidelines and reduce the risk of premature death associated with low vitamin D levels.

Normal vitamin D levels

Vitamin D deficiency

Less than 30 nanomoles/L (12 ng/mL), according to the National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements.

Possible deficiency in vitamin D

Between 30 nmol/L (12 ng/mL) and 50 nmol/L (20 ng/mL).

Normal levels of vitamin D

Between 50 nmol/L (20 ng/mL) and 125 nmol/L (50 ng/mL).

High levels of Vitamin D

greater than 125 nmol/L (50 ng/mL).

What causes vitamin D deficiency?

According to the clinical guidelines for the State of Qatar, vitamin D deficiency can occur due to the following reasons:

  •  Not getting enough sun exposure.

  •  Inefficient production of vitamin D within the skin.

  •  Not having enough vitamin D in food.

  •  Breakdown of vitamin D inside the body by other drugs.

  •  The presence of genetic problems that prevent the work of the vitamin in the body.

  • The presence of other health problems that affect the production of vitamin D or its work in the body.

Types of Vitamin D

There are two main types of vitamin D:

  •  Vitamin D2

  •  Vitamin D3

These two types are processed within the liver, and are converted into a substance called calcidol.

The concentration of calcidol in the blood is measured to see if the vitamin D level is within the normal range, according to the clinical guidelines for the State of Qatar.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency differ between children and adults.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in children

Common symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in children include:

  •  growth retardation

  •  Pain in the bones and muscles.

  •  Breathing difficulty.

  •  Delayed closure of the fontanelle in infants.

  •  Walking is delayed.

  •  joint swelling

  •  Skeletal deformities (bow legs or stick knees)

  •  Dental problems (delayed eruption of teeth)

  •  Convulsions, epileptic seizures or agitation.

  •  Delayed sexual development at puberty.

  • If not treated, vitamin D deficiency may lead to rickets, a serious disease that may cause loss of bone structure.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in adults

Common symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in adults include:

  •  Rapid fatigue when doing activities.

  •  Feeling bone or muscle pain.

  •  Pain in the lower back or feet.

  •  Frequent bone fractures.

  •  muscle weakness

  •  Mood changes, feeling down or depressed.

Comparison of Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3

Vitamin D2 comes from animal products, while Vitamin D3 comes from plants.

Vitamin D3 is the most effective in raising the level of Vitamin D in the body.

Sunlight and Vitamin D

Try to get 10 to 15 minutes of sun exposure 3 times a week, from 9 am to 2 pm.

Safe exposure to sunlight

To get enough sunlight, expose about a third of your body to the sun or only your face and arms when doing outdoor activities.

Use sunscreen, hats and sunglasses.

Regular use of protective creams does not prevent the production of vitamin D within the skin.

It is recommended for infants over the age of 6 months and for older children to be indirectly exposed to the sun, with the use of protective creams and protective clothing as well.

Is exposure to the sun inside the house behind the window useful for vitamin D?

The answer is no, exposure to the sun indoors through windows is not beneficial.

Vitamin D with food

There are many food sources that contain vitamin D, such as:

1- Fish products

  •  trout.

  •  salmon.

  •  Mackerel.

  •  Herring.

  •  sardine.

  •  Anchovies.

  •  Sardine pilchard.

  •  tuna fish.

  • Fish liver oil (cod liver oil).

  • 2- Egg yolks 3- Nuts (but not in large quantities) 4- Mushrooms 5- Fortified foods:

    •  Breakfast Cereal.

    •  Milk, yogurt, cheese, butter, etc.

    •  Ghee.

    •  cooking oils.

    •  orange juice.

    Does breast milk contain vitamin D?

    Breast milk does not contain vitamin D.

    So babies who are breastfed should get vitamin D supplements.

    Prevention of vitamin D deficiency

    Vitamin D deficiency can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle, which includes adequate exposure to sunlight, a healthy diet, and taking vitamin D supplements.

    Treating vitamin D deficiency

    There are a number of vitamin D supplements available to treat vitamin D deficiency.

    To bring your vitamin D level back to normal, you must follow the treatment prescribed to you by your doctor.

    You may also need to take a calcium supplement along with Vitamin D to help your bones.

    Your doctor will tell you if you need this.

    After treatment is complete, you will need to lead a healthy lifestyle, and you may need to take vitamin D supplements on a daily basis to keep your level within the normal range.