Lionel Gougelot SEASON 2022 - 202320h24, March 04, 2023

Find the entire "Europe Soir Weekend" with Pierre de Vilno and his guests, on Europe 1.


Marine Tondelier

, national secretary of EELV

William Thay

, president of the think tank Le Millénaire 

Benjamin Morel

, lecturer in public law at the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas, author of La France en crumbs.

Regionalisms, the other separatism (Ed. du Cerf, 2 Feb. 2023) 

François de Labarre

, senior reporter for Paris Match and author of Vatican Offshore.

The black money of the Vatican (Albin Michel, March 2023)

David Morin

, professor at the School of Applied Politics at the University of Sherbrooke (Canada), holder of the UNESCO Chair in the Prevention of Radicalization and Violent Extremism and author of My brother is a conspirator.

How to restore social ties and dialogue (Editions de l'Homme, March 2023) 

Frédéric Dabi

, Director General Opinion of Ifop (who signed a study on the question in the JDD at the end of January)