Even as a young woman, Nathalie had relationships where the sex was hard and violent.

She said yes and agreed to the harsh measures, but in retrospect has had to process what she has been through.  

- You don't treat people like that.

It's not okay to hit or strangle someone just because it's in a sexual context.  

Nathalie took the early experiences of hard sex with her later in her sex life.

She got so used to rough sex and thought it was expected of her to stand up. 

- I felt like a sex doll.

Moved on in a new relationship

It is only now that Nathalie has started talking about what she has been through.

In the clip above, she tells her close friend Julia for the first time about a situation on a date that tormented her, and it turns out that the friend also has similar experiences of violent sex. 

For Nathalie, it has taken a long time to move on.

Today, she has a boyfriend and lives in a healthy relationship where she feels that her boundaries are respected.

Nathalie works as a personal trainer and dreams of becoming a doctor. 

- I wish someone had said that people we love and who love us can also hurt us.

Watch when Nathalie tells her friend for the first time how bad the violent sex made her feel - in the clip above.