Jerusalem -

 The World Health Organization reported in March 2022 that more than a billion young people in the world (between 12 and 35 years) are at risk of hearing loss due to noise, so how do we preserve the quality of our hearing?

What factors increase the possibility of hearing loss?

The organization says that hearing loss or impairment has serious consequences for one’s physical and psychological health, education and work opportunities, adding that more than one and a half billion people in the world suffer from hearing impairment, and the number is expected to double by 2050.

ENT specialist Dr. Hatem Garzozi says that 60% of those over the age of 70 suffer from a decline in the auditory nerve.

Hearing loss is divided into nervous, non-nervous (conductive, i.e. related to the conduction of sound in the ear), and a third mixed type that combines both. The types and proportions can only be diagnosed by examination with a specialist, and most cases of hearing loss cannot be treated.

Causes of hearing loss


The risk of hearing loss increases if his parents and grandparents suffered from this matter, and he should conduct periodic audiological examinations since childhood, to help improve hearing early and install a special earphone.

work nature

People who work in places with loud noises such as factories, airports, war fields, and concerts are more likely to have hearing loss with ringing in the ear, especially if they are exposed to this noise for a long time without adhering to safety measures, in addition to divers whose hearing can be affected by low pressure. .


Exposure to a strong blow to the ear as a result of a punch or an accident, or exposure to the sound of a large explosion.


Some diseases directly affect the sense of hearing, such as meningitis in children in particular, acoustic neuroma, and viral otitis media. Some pregnant women also develop calcification in the ear bones, which also affects hearing.

How do we protect hearing?

Consider the volume

The World Health Organization recommends avoiding exposure to a sound level of more than 100 decibels for adults (the decibel is a unit of sound measurement), and 75 decibels for children. Check the pitch of the sound and adjust its level automatically in the devices.

Wear an ear protector

For those whose work requires him to hear dangerous noises, he must wear a hearing protector that isolates loud sounds or reduces their impact.

In the case of treatment, medical headphones must be worn and examined periodically by the specialist doctor (every 3 months), and the obligation to wear them away from societal embarrassment, which considers them a defect that must be hidden.

medical intervention

All adults between 50 and 64 years old must undergo a hearing examination every 4 years, and those over 65 years old must undergo an examination approximately every two years. It is time, in addition to the need to treat diseases that affect hearing, and not to take medications without medical supervision.

Earwax and tinnitus treatment

Natural wax is formed inside the ear of individuals in different proportions to moisturize the ear and keep insects away, but if it exceeds the limit or the person tampered with it, it affects the hearing, forming what is known as earwax blockage, and after that it needs to be removed medically through techniques, the best of which is suction under the microscope.

Tinnitus also affects hearing, and it is the formation of an annoying sound inside the ear due to various factors, including exposure to a high sound level, and the tinnitus is like a clicking sound, sea wave, engine all the time, or other sounds, and it affects concentration and purity of hearing and requires medical intervention.

Clean with caution

The ear should not be tampered with with fingers or any other tools, and it is preferable to avoid cotton swabs as well, and cleaning should be limited to a wet cloth, and pass it on the outer ear without going deep into the middle.

Monitoring the development of the child's hearing

Parents have a great role in protecting the hearing of their children by completely refraining from hitting, specifically on the face and ear, and following up on periodic examinations since birth, and following up on the child’s pronunciation. Retrotympanic fluid, or a buildup of pus in the middle ear, are two factors that can affect a child's hearing.

Water entering the ear

A healthy diet and periodic exercise positively affect the body's health in general and improve its blood circulation, but Dr. Garzozi says that hearing loss has nothing to do with either of them.

Also, the entry of water into the ear while showering or swimming does not affect hearing unless there is a rupture in the eardrum.

Garzuzi concludes his advice, recalling one of his auditors, a 94-year-old man who had a complete hearing test result with no impurities in his hearing, and attributed his impressive result to the nature of his work in sheep herding and living away from the hustle and bustle of the city.