Ingredients that we may not feel sometimes, but a few of them give our food its unique flavor.

At a time when many of them may spoil our entire recipes.

It is a very important spice to help reduce salt and sugar intake, by enhancing the flavor of food;

As “adding spices to our food is a great way to improve the taste of food without adding salt or sugar; salt can raise blood pressure and increase symptoms of heart failure, while sugar can lead to weight gain and worsen glucose levels, which may cause stress on the heart.” Nica Goldberg, assistant professor at the New York University School of Medicine, told HuffPost.

As for the specialist in preventive cardiology, Michelle Rothenstein, she said that spices are important “for heart health in particular, because they contain a high percentage of antioxidants, which can lead to a reduction in inflammation and a positive effect on cardiovascular health.”

It also helps "reduce high levels of cholesterol in the blood," says cardiologist Elizabeth Claudas, who founded a food company to help patients improve health through eating choices and reduce the need for medication.

5 golden spices recommended by experts for your health

Among the more than 100 spices used in cooking around the world, experts stress the importance of these spices that have retained their healing properties and flavor for centuries, and research has found evidence of their health benefits:

1- Cinnamon

Those sweet, aromatic, woody musical notes that contain cinnamaldehyde compound give it its medicinal properties and health benefits.

It lowers blood sugar levels and has a strong anti-diabetic effect.

It is an essential ingredient in cooking and baking, and is sometimes added to tea and coffee and sprinkled on desserts and many hot drinks.

Dr. Claudas tells us, "Cinnamon lowers cholesterol and triglycerides, and helps improve their levels in the blood."

Goldberg adds, "Cinnamon is a great way to sweeten your oatmeal without adding sugar."

Cinnamon lowers blood sugar levels and has a strong effect in fighting diabetes (Shutterstock)

2- Cumin

About this type of spice with a warm flavor, which is used as whole or ground seeds;

"Cumin is a heart-healthy spice because it contains flavonoids, powerful antioxidants that can reduce inflammation in the body. It may also contribute to weight loss, and increase bile secretion from the liver to aid in the digestion of fat," says Rothenstein.

In addition to its "anti-cancer properties, a contribution to controlling blood sugar, and lowering cholesterol," according to the Health Line website.

3- Garlic

The ingredient present in many delicious dishes, with its pungent taste that adds a lot of flavor to any recipe, and although it is classified as a vegetable, turning it into a powder attaches it to the spice section of grocery stores.

It has been widely used throughout history, due to its amazing health benefits, resulting from a compound called allicin, which is also responsible for its distinctive aroma.

It is also one of 3 spices mentioned for regular use by registered dietitian Ann Louise Gettelman for the benefit of the heart, in her book Radical Longevity;

Where garlic can fight disease, fight colds, and improve heart health.

Not only is it full of flavour;

Rather, it “contains a group of minerals beneficial to health, such as copper, iron, zinc, magnesium, germanium, and selenium, in particular,” according to Dr. Gittleman, who adds that “garlic provides more than 100 beneficial chemicals, including sulfur compounds and vitamins A, and C, fiber and various amino acids.

According to Dr. Claudas, "Garlic has been shown to improve the elasticity of blood vessels, can lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and reduce blood pressure."

This is confirmed by Goldberg, saying that "garlic, like other spices rich in antioxidants, may have a role in lowering blood pressure."

And about the difference between fresh and crushed garlic, Rothenstein says, "It is best to eat garlic in its fresh form, but if it is not available to you or it is more convenient as a powder, we can still reap many of its benefits as well."

Garlic contains a group of beneficial minerals such as copper, iron, zinc, magnesium, germanium and selenium (Shutterstock)

4- Ginger

It is one of the spices used in alternative medicine, especially in the treatment of nausea.

Like garlic, it comes dried and powdered, but it is most beneficial in its fresh state.

It is rich in a pungent peppery flavor that works magic in both savory and sweet dishes and drinks.

So, Rothenstein advises, "add fresh ginger to smoothies, or enjoy it in tea, to reap its anti-inflammatory and digestive-soothing benefits."

She explains, "Ginger contains an effective compound, gingerol, which has been shown to reduce oxidative stress, which causes atherosclerosis and heart disease."

Research has also shown that eating this spicy root may reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure.

Ginger is a spice used in alternative medicine, especially in the treatment of nausea (Deutsche Welle)

5- red pepper

Or paprika, which comes from grinding dried red peppers, in 3 forms: sweet, smoked, and hot. “It is used according to the dish to be prepared, and the preferred flavor,” says Rothenstein, stressing that “paprika is a heart-healthy seasoning, due to its rich content of vitamin A.” (A).

It also belongs to the beta-carotene family, which is the pigment that gives paprika its bright color, and makes it rich in antioxidants.

In addition to containing capsaicin, which helps in weight loss;

Along with a group of compounds that are beneficial in preventing inflammation and improving cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Do spices have negative side effects?

Rothenstein replies, "There is no need to worry, as long as the use of spices in foods is in small doses";

"Although some people may have allergies, all spices are fine if added in moderation," Claudas adds.

However, Rothenstein stresses "the need to be careful of some spices, such as garlic, turmeric, ginger, paprika and cinnamon, for those who take medications, such as blood thinners, or use nutritional supplements," and recommends that those with medical conditions "consult a dietician, to ensure safety."