do you like coffee?

Here we present to you 10 diseases that coffee helps prevent, and a group of diseases and conditions in which the patient must reduce coffee and pay attention to what he eats from it.

Over the past several decades, coffee has been among the most intensively studied beverages, and the news is mostly good, according to Harvard Medicine.

Moderate coffee consumption (3 to 4 cups per day) has been linked to a longer life.

In fact, a study published in November 2015 in the journal Circulation found that coffee consumption was associated with an 8% to 15% reduction in the risk of death (with an even greater reduction among those who consumed the most coffee).

10 diseases that coffee may protect you from

Multiple studies have found that coffee drinkers may have a lower risk of the following diseases:

  • Cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks.

  • heart failure

  • brain attack.

  • Type 2 diabetes.

  • Alzheimer's disease.

  • Parkinson's disease.

  • Colon Cancer.

  • Cervical cancer.

  • Liver Cancer.

  • cirrhosis.

  • Diseases may increase the risk of coffee

    Studies have linked coffee consumption to certain health problems, including:

    esophageal cancer

    In a report published in 2016, the World Health Organization raised concerns that drinking coffee (or other beverages) at temperatures above 149°F (65°C) might increase the risk of esophageal cancer.

    Therefore, it is advised to avoid drinking very hot drinks.

    Cardiovascular diseases

    Some studies have observed an association between consuming a large amount of coffee (much more than 4 cups per day) and cardiovascular disease.

    However, these studies may not be accurate, as they may not have taken into account smoking, which often accompanies coffee consumption and is of course an important risk for cardiovascular disease.

    Other heart health concerns with coffee include modest and temporary elevations in blood pressure, and a fast or irregular heartbeat.

    sleep problems

    The caffeine in coffee can affect sleep and cause anxiety.

    In summary, drinking more than 4 cups of coffee per day may not be safe.

    Drinking large amounts may cause side effects due to the caffeine content.

    These side effects can range from mild to serious and include headache and irregular heartbeat.

    Side effects of coffee on pregnant and lactating women


    It may be safe to drink moderate amounts of coffee during pregnancy, but not to exceed 3 cups of coffee per day.

    That provides about 300 milligrams of caffeine, and consuming more than that during pregnancy may be unsafe and may be associated with an increased risk of miscarriage, an increased risk of "sudden infant death syndrome" (SIDS) and other negative effects, including low birth weight, according to WebMed. .


    Drinking one or two cups of coffee a day while breastfeeding may be safe, but drinking larger amounts may be unsafe because the caffeine in coffee passes into breast milk and may cause irritability and increased bowel movements in infants.

    Coffee and its effect on people with some diseases

    Previously, we talked about diseases that coffee may reduce the risk of, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Now we will talk about the effect of drinking coffee on people who already have these diseases, and whether it is suitable for them and what are the caveats:

    Anxiety disorders

    The caffeine in coffee might worsen anxiety.

    bipolar disorder

    Caffeine in coffee might worsen symptoms of mania.

    Bleeding disorders

    The caffeine in coffee might slow blood clotting and worsen bleeding disorders.

    Smokers with heart disease

    Drinking coffee on a daily basis does not appear to increase the risk of serious complications from heart disease.

    But people who smoke and have heart disease may be more likely to die if they drink coffee daily.


    The caffeine in coffee may affect your blood sugar, so use coffee with caution if you have diabetes.


    Caffeine in coffee, especially when taken in large amounts, can worsen diarrhea.


    Coffee contains caffeine.

    People with epilepsy should avoid caffeine in high doses.


    Drinking caffeinated coffee increases pressure inside the eye.

    The increase begins within 30 minutes and lasts for at least 90 minutes.

    If you have glaucoma, drink coffee with caution.


    Coffee may increase heartburn, and may not be suitable for GERD patients.


    Drinking caffeinated coffee might increase blood pressure in people with high blood pressure.

    Irritable bowel syndrome

    The caffeine in coffee, especially when taken in large amounts, may worsen diarrhea and other symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

    Loss of bladder control

    Caffeine can make bladder control worse by increasing the frequency and need for urination.


    Drinking caffeinated coffee can increase the amount of calcium that is excreted in the urine, and this may weaken bones.

    If you have osteoporosis, do not drink more than 3 cups of coffee per day.

    If you're generally healthy and getting enough calcium from food or supplements, drinking about 4 cups of coffee a day doesn't seem to increase your risk of osteoporosis.