Amman -

Tinnitus in the ears is common for some people, and its intensity may vary from ringing to sharp whistling, and sometimes it comes intermittently or lasts for a long time, and causes disturbance that sometimes reaches depression for those affected, so when does it become dangerous?

And what are its reasons?

What age groups are most vulnerable to it?

What is tinnitus?

Dr. Muhammad Abu Laban, a consultant otolaryngologist, head and neck surgeon, explained that tinnitus is when you feel a ringing or a sound that is not caused by an external source.

Causes of tinnitus

Dr. Abu Laban said - in a statement to Al-Jazeera Net - that tinnitus has various causes, including age-related hearing loss or impairment, exposure to loud noise, ear wax blockage, high blood pressure, and the use of some types of medications.

Tinnitus may occur when pregnant due to increased blood flow during pregnancy, in addition to temporomandibular joint disorders, and acoustic neuroma.

When is tinnitus normal?

Dr. Abu Laban confirms that tinnitus is normal when it occurs with pregnancy or because of the accumulation of earwax, and its treatment is by treating the causes leading to it, such as the tinnitus resulting from the accumulation of mucus, tumors, or the palate joint. As for the persistent tinnitus, it must be dealt with through treatment. Behavioral medicine, sound masking devices, or earphones. Ignoring tinnitus may also be one of the most important treatments.

What are the most important tips to avoid tinnitus?

Dr. Abu Laban indicated that knowing and avoiding the things that increase tinnitus is important. In some cases, tinnitus increases when consuming certain foods, drinks, or medicines. It is also advised to avoid loud sounds such as loud music.

Abu Laban advises the injured to listen to a light sound in the sitting position, while practicing some activities to reduce the tension and discomfort associated with tinnitus, such as yoga, meditation, relaxation, and getting enough sleep, as fatigue and exhaustion increase tinnitus in the head, and he advised to avoid smoking.

Is noise related to tinnitus?

Otorhinolaryngologist Dr. Saba Jarrar considered - in a statement to Al-Jazeera Net - that exposure to many types of loud noises can lead to damage to the sensitive parts of the ear responsible for hearing and cause temporary or even permanent loss, and this can also lead to tinnitus. ear.

When is tinnitus dangerous?

Dr. Jarrar believed that there are some cases in which tinnitus may be dangerous, such as if it is a symptom of a serious health problem, or if it is a cause of psychological problems such as stress, depression or insomnia.

These conditions include pulsatile tinnitus (tinnitus is like the sound of a heartbeat and is associated with it), tinnitus associated with asymmetric hearing loss (tinnitus and hearing loss in only one ear), tinnitus associated with severe vertigo, and tinnitus that is caused by psychological problems such as stress, depression or Insomnia, tinnitus associated with neurological signs and symptoms, and sudden tinnitus.

Do tinnitus symptoms differ from person to person?

Dr. Jarrar explained that the nature of tinnitus varies depending on the problem causing it. Tinnitus can be felt in the form of noise or one or more tones (multiple tones).

The noise may also be continuous or pulsating, which is known as "pulsating tinnitus", and is synchronized with the heartbeat.

Tinnitus can take a variety of other forms such as whistling, hissing or buzzing.

What age groups are most susceptible to tinnitus?

Dr. Jarrar confirmed that approximately 15% of the world's population suffers from tinnitus, and most of them are between the ages of 40 and 80.

White noise machines

Dr. Jarrar indicates that if the tinnitus continues after treatment, there are many options that may help reduce it. Sometimes it goes away without any intervention at all. However, we must understand that it is not possible to get rid of or reduce all types of tinnitus, regardless of the cause.

Among the options available to deal with the problem of tinnitus - according to the speaker herself - are devices that emit sounds that cover the sound of tinnitus, such as white noise devices that emit environmental sounds such as the sound of rain, running water, or the sound of the sea. There are also devices that are placed in the ear and resemble hearing aids that produce "white noise." Low-level and persistent symptoms of tinnitus are prevented.

Dr. Jarrar explained that there are behavioral therapies to deal with tinnitus, and they aim to help the patient to live with tinnitus by helping him change the way he thinks and feels about his symptoms, and over time, the degree of his discomfort from tinnitus may decrease.