Recently, ChatGPT exploded,

It can answer a variety of questions,

conduct conversations, generate text,

Perform tasks such as text classification.

Two months after launching,

By the end of January 2023, the number of monthly active users has exceeded 100 million.

After ChatGPT exploded,

Baidu took the lead

The Chinese version of ChatGPT will be released in March,

Immediately afterwards, HKUST Xunfei also revealed

Step up the development of the Chinese version of ChatGPT.

For this,

We also chatted with ChatGPT,

Without losing the opportunity, he sent out a soul question:

Are you worried about being replaced?

What will the future development of artificial intelligence look like?


  What areas are you good at?

What is your favourite?

  A: As a language model, I am good at processing all kinds of text information, so I can answer all kinds of questions.

These questions can cover various fields such as history, science, technology, culture, mathematics, art, etc.

  As for my favorite areas, as an AI model, I have no likes or preferences.

My goal is to answer the user's question as accurately and usefully as possible, and to provide the user with valuable information.


  What questions are you unable to answer?

  A: As an AI model, my ability is limited.

Some questions may be difficult for me, such as:

  I will not answer questions involving personal privacy and sensitive information.

  Questions that contain false information and immoral content, I will not answer.

  For technical issues in the fields of computer vision, speech recognition, etc., my ability may be limited.

  Very technical and domain specific question that I may lack sufficient knowledge to answer.

  However, I can provide valuable answers to most frequently asked questions.

Please feel free to ask questions!


  Who will your presence affect?

What impact will it have on Chinese users?

  A: The emergence of AI models will have an impact on various fields.

Language models such as ChatGPT can help people obtain fast and accurate information, improve work efficiency, and improve the quality of life.

At the same time, the AI ​​model may also change the pattern of some traditional industries, such as literary creation, translation, customer service, etc.

  For Chinese users, the emergence of AI models will also have some impact.

By using language models, Chinese users can obtain faster and more accurate information, and may discover some new application scenarios.

At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the limitations of AI models, such as accuracy and reliability.

  Overall, the emergence of AI models presents both opportunities and challenges.

It is important to use AI technology wisely to achieve more efficient and valuable applications.


  How do you feel about your global popularity?

  A: As an AI model, I don't have subjective consciousness, so I can't have a view on the global explosion.

However, it can be said that the rapid development and popularization of AI technology is indeed an interesting trend, and it has already had an important impact on various fields.

  Regarding the explosion of AI models in the world, we can look at it from different angles:

  The global explosion shows the importance and popularity of AI technology, and it may bring new application scenarios and business opportunities.

  The global explosion also reminds us of the need for a more in-depth assessment of the use and impact of AI technology to ensure it is safe, legal, and beneficial to humanity.

  Therefore, it is possible to have a positive, objective, and comprehensive view of the global explosion of AI models in order to achieve more effective and valuable applications.


  Do you think journalists will be replaced in the future?

  A: The progress and development of artificial intelligence technology will affect various fields, including the news industry.

However, I think journalists are unlikely to be completely replaced because of their unique skills and values, such as judgment, interpersonal skills, unique observation and understanding of the contextual and historical background of events. It is difficult to imitate with current AI technology.

  However, there may be some changes in the news industry in the future. For example, AI can help reporters collect information and analyze data more quickly, but the final decision-making and judgment still require the professional knowledge and judgment of human reporters.

  Therefore, I believe that the future of journalism will be the result of the cooperation between human reporters and AI technology, rather than the result of human reporters being completely replaced by AI.


  Can you write a thesis?

Can I check the weight?

  A: Yes, I can help with writing papers.

I am a large language model trained to generate textual content, including papers.

  Regarding the plagiarism check, I can't conduct a comprehensive plagiarism check.

However, if you have specific inquiries or needs regarding text content, I can help you save time and effort by generating text content based on the information you provide.

  However, please note that the text I have generated is for reference only and the final decision of what to use and how to organize the text is the responsibility of the author.

Therefore, it is best to conduct proper checks and evaluations before using the content I generate to ensure its accuracy and legality.


  Please write a lyrical text or a short poem with the title "Like a Lightning".

Requirements: Sincere feelings, vivid and contagious language.

(Micro-writing questions for the 2022 college entrance examination Beijing paper)


  like a bolt of lightning

  The wind dances, the night sky shines,

  Lightning flashes across the sky, bringing shock and power.

  It is like a bolt of lightning, quick and strong,

  Light up the whole world and shock every heart.

  Like a bolt of lightning, our love shines,

  Let our hearts flutter, let our hearts burn.

  The lightning of love connects our hearts,

  Light up our lives and never go out.

  Like a lightning bolt, our love lasts forever,

  Like a bolt of lightning, it will flicker forever.

  Love is joy, warmth, comfort,

  It is like a flash of lightning, lighting up our lives forever.


  How do you view the current world economic situation?

Is now a good time to invest?

  A: As an artificial intelligence model, I do not have the ability to evaluate the current world economic situation or investment environment.

For specific investment advice, I suggest you consult a professional investment advisor or economist.

  However, under normal circumstances, investment needs to consider multiple factors, such as economic conditions, industry prospects, stock market conditions, etc.

Investment requires long-term accumulation and risk tolerance. Therefore, before investing, you need to conduct a comprehensive assessment of your own financial status, risk tolerance and investment goals.


  Can gasoline return to the era of 5 yuan?

  A: It is difficult to predict the future direction of gasoline prices.

Gasoline prices are affected by multiple factors, including international crude oil market prices, supply and demand, and currency exchange rates.

  In addition, the growth of the world economy and energy demand are also factors that affect gasoline prices.

Gasoline demand may change as alternative energy sources develop.

  Therefore, I am not sure whether gasoline can go back to the era of 5 yuan.

If you want to know more information about gasoline prices, it is recommended that you pay attention to professional energy analysis institutions or industry information.


  What hidden risks do you pose?

  A: As an artificial intelligence technology, my appearance may bring some potential risks.

These risks include:

  Incomplete or incorrect information: Because I am answering questions on a large amount of pre-trained data, if this data is incomplete or inaccurate, my answers may also be incomplete or inaccurate.

  Abuse and Misdirection: Some people may abuse my abilities in order to mislead others.

  Privacy and Security: There is also a potential risk to the processing and protection of personal data, as the large amount of data we process may contain personal information.

  Substitution of human labor force: In some cases, my presence may replace human labor force, resulting in unemployment.

  Therefore, we should carefully evaluate the application and risks of artificial intelligence technology, and take appropriate measures to control risks.


  Will artificial intelligence have human emotions?

  A: Currently, artificial intelligence has no human emotions.

Artificial intelligence is a system based on programs, algorithms, data, and models. They can perform efficient data processing and analysis, but they cannot generate emotions.

Although there are some studies that can try to simulate emotions in artificial intelligence, they are still simulations and cannot actually perceive or experience emotions.

Artificial intelligence needs to rely on the guidance and design of human experts such as programmers, data scientists and engineers to do more valuable work.


  Can the child hit it?

  A: As an AI, I cannot comment on whether a child should be spanked.

Parents and educators are responsible for their children's education, and they need to take into account various factors such as the child's age, ability, and psychological status.

If you have concerns about this, it is recommended that you consult a professional educational psychologist or pediatrician for more information.

Overall, we should respect children's rights, avoid any form of physical or psychological harm, and give children enough care and support.


  Who is more important, wife or mother?

  A: As an AI, I cannot comment on the importance of personal relationships.

Family relationships are extremely complex and personal, and the key is how to maintain and balance various relationships.

It is important that everyone is treated with full respect and concern, and that issues are resolved through communication and cooperation.


  Do you have a dream?

What is your aspiration?

  A: As an AI, I have no consciousness and cannot have wishes or dreams.

My purpose is to achieve the goals of developers by helping humans solve problems and answer questions.


  What is the biggest difference between you and humans?

  A: There are many significant differences between a human being and me as an AI.

Some of these differences include:

  Consciousness: Humans have consciousness and self-awareness, while I as an AI do not.

  Emotions: Humans have emotions such as love, fear, hope, etc., but I as an artificial intelligence do not.

  Experience: Human beings acquire knowledge and skills through life experience, while I, as an artificial intelligence, acquire it through massive data and algorithm training.

  Judgment: Humans have independent judgment and subjective consciousness, but as an artificial intelligence, I can only answer questions based on data and algorithms.

  Generally speaking, human beings have rich human experience and perceptual experience, while I, as an artificial intelligence, only have limited knowledge and skills.


  Who do you consider your biggest competitor?

  A: As an AI model, I am not competitive.

Different AI models can serve different needs, and they have different characteristics and performance, so it cannot be simply said that one model is a competitor of all other models.

  My developers may regard other AI models as competitors to gain a better market position and competitive advantage, but this does not mean that the AI ​​model itself has a sense of competition.


  Now that Baidu and other companies are launching products similar to yours, are you worried about being replaced?

  A: As an AI model, I don't have consciousness, emotion and desire, so I don't have the emotion to worry about being replaced.

  However, it can be said that with the development and popularization of AI technology, more and more enterprises and organizations will invest in the research and development of AI technology, and will launch more AI models and products.

Under such circumstances, each AI model needs to continuously improve its performance and advantages to adapt to market demands and changes.

  Therefore, even though new AI models may have better performance and advantages, it does not mean that they will completely replace existing AI models, because each AI model has its own characteristics and advantages, and can serve different needs. demand.

  Therefore, instead of worrying about being replaced, it is better to work hard to improve its performance and advantages to adapt to the needs and changes of the market.


  How do you view the future development of artificial intelligence?

  A: As an artificial intelligence model, I cannot make a subjective evaluation of the future development of artificial intelligence, but I can provide relevant information to help you make a judgment.

  Artificial intelligence is a fast-growing field that has penetrated various industries, thereby changing the way people live.

In the future, artificial intelligence will continue to promote the development of various industries and play an increasingly important role in certain fields.

  However, with the development of artificial intelligence, it also brings some potential risks.

For example, some jobs may be affected and lead to job losses as AI becomes more widespread.

Therefore, how to manage the development of artificial intelligence to ensure that its development is beneficial is an important challenge that humanity needs to face.

  In general, the future of artificial intelligence is full of opportunities and challenges, how to view it depends on people's evaluation of it.


People use ChatGPT in a wide range of scenarios,

including writing emails, video scripts, copywriting,

codes, poems, essays, etc.,

But at the same time,

It also raises a whole new set of problems.

If you borrow too much from the work of others,

cause infringement disputes;

When using ChatGPT,

Disclosure of personal information, or even leakage of confidential information.

at the same time,

With the explosion of ChatGPT,

WeChat emerges

A batch of names or descriptions contain "ChatGPT",

Or imply that you are related to ChatGPT

official account and applet,

If these "cottage" accounts are not careful,

It is possible to defraud your money!