Concerning legislative legislation to promote understanding of LGBT people, LDP Secretary-General Seko of the House of Councillors said that the phrase "discrimination is unacceptable" has become a focal point. I showed the idea that we should summarize the discussion of

Amid growing calls from both the ruling and opposition parties for the early enactment of a legislative bill to promote understanding of LGBT people, which was not submitted to the Diet two years ago, some within the Liberal Democratic Party In response to the statement that discrimination is unacceptable, there are deep-rooted voices of opposition, saying that it will actually divide society.

Regarding this, Seko, secretary-general of the Liberal Democratic Party's House of Councilors, said at a press conference, "Last year's G7 statement already contained similar words. This bill does not have penalties, so we are going to make use of this expression as much as possible. I hope that the discussion within the party will be settled."

On the other hand, regarding the provision of Article 24 of the Constitution that ``marriage shall be based only on the mutual consent of both sexes,'' and the relationship between same-sex marriage, he said, ``As far as I can read the current constitution, same-sex marriage is not recognized.'' rice field.