The survey revealed that feminists most often cause negative emotions in 63% of Russians.

At the same time, most of all those who are angry with the feminists of the XXI century are among women.

“67% of them have a negative attitude towards the linguistic echoes of feminism, 74% never use it in speech,” the agency writes.

These people argued their attitude towards feminists by the fact that it “cuts the ear” and “distorts the Russian language”.

Such words "sound dismissive and almost insulting," say the respondents.

At the same time, there are only 4% of unambiguously positive assessments, and every fifth person doesn’t care: either the Russian language will accept feminitives, “or they will go into oblivion.”

The study involved 1.6 thousand respondents.

In November 2021, the research center of the service found out the opinion of Russians on the use of English vocabulary in communication with colleagues.