One tenth of all energy use in Sweden could be saved as early as 2030. Fossil-free Sweden makes that assessment in the report Strategy for fossil-free competitiveness, which states that saving electricity is good for the climate;

it can increase exports of fossil-free electricity to Europe to replace dirty electricity, and it frees up electricity for a green transition.

It also dampens energy prices and increases Sweden's degree of self-sufficiency.

- We are unwise in using energy, and it is stupid to use money to pay high electricity bills.

There is much we can change in behaviour, but above all in smarter products.

We need to do that to take care of the planet, the wallet and support the industry's need for electricity now, says Svante Axelsson, coordinator Fossilfritt Sweden.

Can you reach no further than a tenth?

- Yes, we have calculated low, and focused on the policy and the means of control.

But then we will be surprised, I think, by the fact that there will be even more fruit from the policy.

I think we can go up to 20 percent.

Energy saving forgotten

The need for electricity in Sweden is estimated to perhaps double as early as 2035. The focus in politics and in the energy debate has focused a lot on adding more energy production, which surprises Svante Axelsson.

- It is strange when energy efficiency is the biggest source of energy according to the OECD.

Streamlining is the best solution, but the most mismanaged politically, he says.

How then mismanaged?

- There has been very little policy to free up electricity.

Households or companies have not been helped to become more efficient.