As the specialist noted, such an initiative is very good as a “purely preventive measure”, and, in his opinion, limiting the permissible speed of electric scooters, monowheels and gyroscopes to 25 km/h is optimal.

“This is the average speed of a cyclist, as well as a scooter.

So there are no complaints here, ”the interlocutor of RT explained.

At the same time, according to Kanaev, the question arises of who will monitor compliance with this standard. 

“Only if those companies that rent scooters.

But they don’t drive them anyway, because people have a history of GPS tracking, and they use it carefully.

Everyone else will be difficult to control.

Cameras are useless in this case, since there are no numbers, and traffic police officers will not walk on sidewalks, parks, public roads, ”the expert concluded.

Earlier, Rosstandart approved a new national standard limiting the permissible speed of electric scooters, unicycles and gyroscopes to 25 km/h.

In the new GOST, electric scooters, unicycles and gyro scooters are classified as electric means of individual mobility (ESIM).

The standard establishes the rules for labeling, as well as the requirements for safety and maintenance of accompanying documentation.