The reunion scene of the four seas, the new spring comes to Vientiane

the fifteenth day of the first lunar month,

Xiaoqiao will celebrate the Lantern Festival with everyone!

Relying on China Overseas Chinese Network and China News Network

and overseas Chinese media

15:00 on February 5th, Beijing time

"Four Seas and Spring"

2023 Global Overseas Chinese New Year Cloud Gala

On schedule!

What are the new elements

of this year's "Cloud Gala" ?

How to spend a

Chinese New Year with "global taste"?

Come and take a look with Xiaoqiao!

This year's "Cloud Gala" is divided into three chapters——

"The lights are bright tonight"

"Four Seas Reunion Scenery"

"Spring Comes Vientiane New"

Wu Jing, Zhao Lusi and other stars

And many famous overseas Chinese

Happy New Year to everyone!

According to Xiaoqiao's understanding,

This year's "Cloud Gala" is full of highlights:

Chinese children vividly interpret the customs of Lantern Festival

Full of warmth and fun;

Nostalgic Golden Melody Skewers

Show the "highlight moment" of Chinese women's football;

Picture nostalgic golden tunes skewers

The virtual human Luo Tianyi interprets famous poems from The Book of Songs

Incorporating the popular "Metaverse" concept;

There are also

Overseas Huaxing Art Troupe, Overseas Chinese Association,

Chinese schools and Chinese teenagers

presented wonderful programs

Yun Chorus "Light Up the Future"

"Hometown of Overseas Chinese on the New Journey" section

Through Pingtan, songs, rap, etc.

Vividly display the spirit of the new era in the hometown of overseas Chinese

A solution to the homesickness of overseas Chinese

"Cloud Gala" is organized by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council of China,

All China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese,

Hosted by the China Overseas Friendship Association,

I hope that when the Lantern Festival comes,

Sending New Year blessings to compatriots at home and abroad,

Express good wishes for the new year.

Finally, Xiao Qiao prepared a lucky draw for everyone

Huawei mobile phone, Meituan card,

Magic Headphones, China Overseas Chinese Network Travel Bag

Many prizes are waiting for you!

The specific lottery process,

They are all on the official Sina Weibo account of China Overseas Chinese Network!

February 5, Beijing time (Lantern Festival)

Meet with you, see you there!