It will be 90 öre per kWh in support to Norrland (electricity areas 1 and 2) and 126 öre (electricity area 3) and 129 öre (electricity area 4) respectively in the southern parts of the country, based on a reference price of 75 öre per kWh, according to Svenska kraftnät.

In the government's order, there was a request that Svenska kraftnät should consider a cap on the payments.

There will be no such thing, the time frame was too short, according to Svenska kraftnät.

When the support can be paid out is unclear, the government has previously said "sometime in the spring".

Försäkringskassan has announced that it could be responsible for the payments for this support as well.

The first electricity support package for households will begin to be paid from 20 February.

The support is financed via so-called bottleneck fees, which arise when there are differences in electricity prices between the various electricity areas.

The text is updated.