Regarding measures to secure financial resources for increasing defense spending, the Liberal Democratic Party's subcommittee has approved a government bill that includes the creation of a "defense enhancement fund" that utilizes non-tax income such as the sale of national assets.

Regarding measures to secure financial resources for increased defense spending, the government and ruling parties will cover one-fourth with tax increases, and three-fourths will be covered by

▽ expenditure reform,

▽ utilization of settlement surplus

, and ▽

non-tax measures such as the sale of national assets. We plan to secure it with the income of

In order to make it possible to utilize this non-tax income over multiple years, the government plans to submit a bill to the current Diet session that includes the establishment of a new "defense enhancement fund" in the general account. The subcommittee approved the bill on the 27th.

At first, the government included clauses in the bill stating, "We will strive to continue the reform of expenditures in order to secure financial resources." It gives the impression that it will not turn to other policies."