It was during a hastily convened press conference yesterday that the so-called savings group said that head coach Thomas Engman's contract and demands stood in the way of the work to clean up the economy.

Engman's contract only expires in April 2024 and according to the savings group, he is not prepared to break it early.

- We will not be able to fulfill that agreement if we are to cope with this situation financially, said Ronny Mattsson yesterday and sent the matter on to the board.

"Nothing personal but completely sporting"

SVT Nyheter Blekinge searched for Thomas Engman in vain on Wednesday.

But the club's assistant coach Thomas Andersson has reacted strongly on Twitter and described the club's actions as "the worst" he has experienced in hockey.

"Hanging a fine person in front of the media, so damn tragic," he formulated on Twitter before the account was shut down.

Simon Skog Peter, who is part of the savings group, participated in the press conference.

He says that it was only about spreading clear information.

- It was never meant to "throw someone under the bus".

If there's something that doesn't work, we want to say so, but it's nothing personal but completely sporting.

There are many losers in this, not just Engman, it's about the club's survival, he says.

SVT has asked Thomas Andersson about his statement on Twitter