Xinhua News Agency, Tokyo, January 25 (Reporter Guo Dan and Jiang Qiaomei) Kenta Izumi, head of Japan's largest opposition party, the Constitutional Democratic Party, criticized Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's emphasis on having "the ability to attack enemy bases" in the House of Representatives meeting on the 25th. , saying the claim violated international law.

  Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida delivered a policy speech on the 23rd during the 211th Ordinary Diet (Regular Session of the Diet), emphasizing the need to fundamentally enhance Japan's defense capabilities, and said that it has the so-called "counterattack capability", that is, "the ability to attack enemy bases" against Japan. very necessary.

In order to achieve this goal, the total amount of Japan's defense expenses will be increased to about 43 trillion yen (1 yen is about 0.0077 U.S. dollars) within five fiscal years, and part of the financial resources will be solved through taxation.

  In this regard, Kenta Izumi expressed strong opposition at the House of Representatives meeting on the 25th.

He said that the "capability to attack the enemy's base" is to attack the enemy's base during the missile launch phase, which will definitely become a "preemptive attack" and violates international law.

At the same time, the defense tax increase policy proposed by Kishida has not been discussed by Congress at all, and it is a "random decision."

  The usual parliamentary session this time is from January 23 to June 21, a period of 150 days.

According to Japanese media reports, the Japanese government plans to propose 60 bills in this congress, among which the military expansion of "fundamentally enhancing Japan's defense capabilities" will become the focus of attention.

  In December last year, the Japanese government formally passed the new version of the "National Security Strategy", "National Defense Strategy" and "Defense Force Preparation Plan" three security policy documents, proposing that Japan will commit itself to having the so-called "counterattack capability", that is, "attacking enemy bases". capabilities” and other policy propositions.

The "counterattack capability" will include various types of long-range offensive missiles and the "Integrated Air and Missile Defense" system used jointly with the US military.

This will make Japan actually give up the principle of "exclusive defense" pursued after the war.