Céline Géraud, edited by Laura Laplaud 9:03 a.m., January 25, 2023

A year ago, the book-investigation "Les Fossoyeurs" by Victor Castanet revealed the hell of the residents in several nursing homes of the Orpea group.

Today, the situation is still very worrying.

Several complaints of abuse will be filed against the number three in the sector, DomusVi.

Faced with this situation, what is the government's strategy?

What remains of the Orpea scandal?

A year ago, the book

Les Fossoyeurs

by Victor Castanet had the effect of a bomb and triggered a series of checks and measures to clean up a sector in distress, which concerns 600,000 residents in nursing homes.

Today, more than one in five French people is 65 or older, a "great aging" confirmed by INSEE last week.

What are the main lines of the government's strategy for old age?


- "It's still DIY": a year later, few changes in the Ehpad of the Orpea group

Restore trust

The main challenge of this strategy is to restore confidence.

At the beginning of February, the first Estates General on mistreatment will be launched.

An online platform will also be created and will make it possible to collect and process reports from residents' families more quickly.

At the same time, the control of the 7,500 nursing homes continues.

For more transparency on the care, supervision and prices offered, the annual publication of six key indicators for each establishment is planned. 

Revalue the profession

The other major project is the revaluation of the profession and the salary of caregivers.

3,000 positions were created in 2022 out of the 50,000 promised within five years, with the ambition of going from the ratio of six to eight caregivers for ten residents.

As for the bill on "ageing well", it should be examined in committee at the end of February-beginning of March.