19 Arab universities have reserved their seats among the best universities in the world, according to the Shanghai University Ranking, and the classification is based on factors, including the level of scientific research.

Saudi Arabia

Shanghai Ranking 2022: King Abdulaziz University is the first in the Arab world / 101 globally

Universities: 65

Students (in 2023): 1,982,722

Graduates (in 2021): 80,000

Specialties: about 250

Government spending (2023): $50 billion (education and higher education)

The percentage of unemployed graduates (2022): 14.5%

Cairo University is fourth in the Arab world and 301 globally according to the Shanghai classification (Getty Images)


Shanghai Ranking 2022: Cairo University fourth in the Arab world / 301 globally

Universities: 66

Students (2023): 3,500,000

Alumni (2020): 644 thousand

Specialties: more than 250

Government spending (2023): $2.9 billion

The percentage of unemployed graduates (2022): 48.8%

Qatar University is eighth in the Arab world and 501 globally according to the Shanghai classification (Getty Images)


Shanghai Ranking 2022: Qatar University is eighth in the Arab world/501 globally

Universities: 34 university institutions

Students (2021): more than 39,000

Graduates (2021): 7837

Specialties: 389

Government spending (2023): $4.97 billion

American University of Beirut (Al-Jazeera)


Shanghai Ranking 2022: The American University of Beirut 12 in the Arab world / 701 globally

Universities: 48

Students (2021): 206 thousand

Graduates: about 35,000 annually

Specialties: about 365

Government spending (2021): $1.238 billion

The percentage of unemployed graduates (2022): 35%

University of Jordan in Amman (communication sites)


Shanghai Ranking 2022: The University of Jordan is 13 Arab/701 globally

Universities: 37

Students (2021): 344,796

Graduates (2021): including 7,247

Specialties: 241

Government spending (2023): $141 million

The percentage of unemployed graduates (2022): 26.2%

Khalifa University (networking sites)


Shanghai Ranking 2022: Khalifa University 15 Arab / 801 globally

Universities: 61 institutions of higher education

Students (2021): 48,232

Graduates (2020): 11,497 graduates

– Majors: more than 44 (UAE University)

Government spending (2023): $2.66 billion (education and higher education)

The percentage of unemployed graduates (2020): 52.9%

Sultan Qaboos University in the Omani capital, Muscat (Getty Images)

Sultanate of Oman

Shanghai Ranking 2022: Sultan Qaboos University 17 Arab / 801 globally

Universities: 18

Students (2021): 109 thousand and 61

Graduates (2021): 15,257

Specialties: 350

Government spending (2022): $122 million

The percentage of unemployed graduates (2021): 27.2%

the two seas

Shanghai Ranking 2022: University of Applied Sciences 22 Arab / 591 globally

Universities: 21

Students (2020): more than 28 thousand

Graduates (2021): more than 8,000

Specialties: 100

Government spending (2022): $103 million

The percentage of unemployed graduates (2020): 55%

Kuwait University (Kuwaiti Press)


– QS University Rankings- 2023: The American University of the Middle East is 30 Arab / 702 globally

Universities: 25

Students (2021): 10 thousand and 83

Graduates (2021): 50 thousand

Specialties: more than 94

Government spending (2023): $2.097 billion

The percentage of unemployed graduates (2022): 50%


QS Ranking 2023: University of Baghdad 47 Arabs / 944 globally

Universities: 80

Students (2021): 850 thousand

Graduates: 170,000 annually

Specialties: 290

Government spending (2021): $1,600 million

The percentage of unemployed graduates (2022): 20%

Damascus University (communication sites)

Syrian Arab Republic

Webometrics Ranking 2023: Damascus University 3511 globally

Universities: 14

Students (2022): 350 thousand

Graduates: 50,000 annually

Specialties: more than 100

Government spending (2022): $28 million

The percentage of unemployed graduates (2022): 70%

An-Najah National University in Nablus (the island)


Webometrics 2023 Ranking: An-Najah University 1821 globally

Universities: 50 higher education institutions

Students (2020): 41,137 in Palestinian universities/43,454 in Israeli universities

Graduates (2020): 41,137

Specialties: more than 119

Government spending (2022): $200 million

The percentage of unemployed graduates (2022): 48%

To whom

QS Ranking 2023: University of Science and Technology 170 Arabs

Universities: 34

Students (2020): 846,132

Number of graduates (2020): 135,222

Specialties: more than 40

Government spending (previous budgets): $263 million

The percentage of unemployed graduates (2022): 54%

University of Khartoum (Al Jazeera)


QS Ranking 2023: University of Khartoum, 80th in the Arab world

Universities: 88

Students (2022): 557 thousand and 719

Graduates (2020): 80,000 annually

Specialties: more than 100

Government spending (2022): $63 million

The percentage of unemployed graduates (2022): 39.5%


Universities: 3 universities

Students (2022): 1100

Specialties: 35

Government spending (2023): $24 million

The percentage of unemployed graduates (2022): 56.1%


Universities: one

Students (2022): 13,931

Specialties: 23

Government spending (2022): $4 million

The percentage of unemployed graduates (2021): 41.6%

Sidi Bel Abbes University (communication sites)


Shanghai Ranking 2022: University of Sidi Bel Abbes 201 globally

Universities: 111

Students (2022): 1,750,000

Graduates: 400,000 annually

Specialties: more than 250

Government spending (2022): $4.162 billion

– نسبة الخريجين العاطلين عن العمل (2022): 23.7%

جامعة ابن طفيل (مواقع التواصل)


– تصنيف كيو إس 2023: جامعة الرباط الدولية المركز 100عربيا

– الجامعات: 30

– الطلبة (2022): مليون و130 ألفا و182

– الخريجون (2021): 49 ألفا و822

– التخصصات: أكثر من 200

– الإنفاق الحكومي (2022): 1.12 مليار دولار أميركي

– نسبة الخريجين العاطلين عن العمل (2022): 16%

جامعة نواكشوط (الفرنسية)


– تصنيف المجلس العالي للبحث العلمي في إسبانيا 2022: جامعة نواكشوط 13837 عالميا

– الجامعات: 4

– الطلبة (2020): 22 ألفا و469

– الخريجين: 1500 سنويا

– التخصصات: أكثر من 31

– الإنفاق الحكومي (2023): 467 مليون دولار أميركي

– نسبة الخريجين العاطلين عن العمل (2021): 5.04%

جامعة سوسة (الفرنسية)


– تصنيف كيو إس 2023: جامعة تونس المنار 46 عربيا/945 عالميا

– الجامعات: 518 جامعة ومؤسسة

– الطلبة (2021): 270 ألفا و430

– الخريجون (2021): 50 ألفا و119

– التخصصات: 260

Government spending (2023): $716 million

The percentage of unemployed graduates (2022): 30.1%

University of Benghazi (French)


QS Ranking 2023: University of Benghazi 170 Arabs

Universities: 31

Students (2022): 350 thousand

Graduates (2020): 50,643

Specialties: more than 125

Government spending (2022): $58 million

The percentage of unemployed graduates (2022): 39.3%


Universities: 97

Students (2020): 94,511

Graduates (2021): 20 thousand

Specialties: more than 50

Government spending (2022): $34 million (education and higher education)

The percentage of unemployed graduates (2022): 22.2%