Navel oranges, apples, bacon, new rice, hazel mushrooms, firewood eggs... the Spring Festival is coming, and the sales of special agricultural products from all over the world are booming on e-commerce platforms.

Agricultural products with strong nostalgia are the hope of farmers to increase their income and the happiness of thousands of households.

  The "local specialties" from the countryside make the common people feel very cordial, and they also entrust General Secretary Xi Jinping's ardent expectations for the revitalization of the countryside.

At the Central Rural Work Conference held not long ago, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "industrial revitalization is the top priority of rural revitalization, and it is necessary to implement industrial support policies and do a good job of 'native products' articles."

  "The most important thing" can be seen in its weight.

In the revitalization of rural industries, "local products" is a big article.

  Seemingly ordinary "local products", one end is connected with poverty alleviation and income increase, rural revitalization, and the other end is connected with meeting people's needs for a better life.

The development of characteristic industries in various places plays an important role in poverty alleviation, and has broad prospects for development in the new journey of comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and accelerating the construction of a strong agricultural country in the future.

  General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the development of characteristic industries. During local inspections, he often investigates local planting, breeding, processing and other industries, and gives specific guidance.

Take the investigation and research in Hainan as an example:

  a flower.

On April 9, 2013, at the Rand Rose Style Industrial Park in Yalong Bay, Hainan, General Secretary Xi Jinping affirmed the implementation of the "company + cooperative + farmer" model in the industrial park to plant and manage roses and demonstrate the practice of driving farmers to increase their income and become rich. The policy of strengthening agriculture, benefiting farmers and enriching farmers formulated by the central government has been well implemented, making tropical characteristic agriculture truly a trump card of advantageous industries and Hainan's economy, and constantly creating a new situation in the work of "three rural areas".

  Blindly medicine.

On April 13, 2018, in Shicha Village, Shishan Town, Xiuying District, Haikou City, seeing that the local village relied on the medicinal material Dendrobium to increase its income and become rich, and became a star village famous for developing Internet planting on volcanic rocks, the general secretary pointed out: " The key to rural revitalization is the revitalization of industries. Farmers should be encouraged and supported to develop characteristic agriculture, rural tourism, and garden economy based on local resources, and increase farmers’ income through multiple channels.”

  A leaf of tea.

On April 11, 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Hainan for the third time.

In Maona Village, Shuiman Township, Wuzhishan City, I learned that the local tea industry is developed with unique natural and climate resources, and the villagers live a happy life. Continue to strengthen and expand organic agricultural product production, rural tourism, leisure agriculture and other industries."

  To do a good job of "local specialties" articles, there are three key words: "soil", fully rely on and tap local natural resources, and adapt measures to local conditions; "Production", strive to extend the industrial chain and value chain, and accelerate the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries.

  Not only in Hainan, but also from peonies in Shandong to tea oil in southern Jiangxi, from strawberries in Jiangsu to potatoes in Inner Mongolia, from apples in Xinjiang to wine in Ningxia...Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, when General Secretary Xi Jinping went to the local inspection, his figure They often appear in greenhouses, on the ridges of fields, between fruit trees, and in front of farmhouses, carefully inspecting the production and income of the people, and pointing out the direction for industrial revitalization at many important meetings.

  At the 2020 Central Rural Work Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized accelerating the development of rural industries.

The general secretary mentioned that in a village in the Qinling Mountains of Shaanxi that year, he saw that the small fungus in the valley had become a big industry; he also saw in Datong, Shanxi that a large base was built around the small yellow flower, which became a pillar industry for local farmers to get rich.

  "However, from a national perspective, the development of rural industries is still in its infancy. The main problems are small scale, scattered layout, short chain, relatively low variety, quality, and brand level, and the homogeneity of some local industries is relatively prominent." The general secretary profoundly pointed out that it is necessary to adapt to the consumption needs of urban and rural residents, comply with the law of industrial development, base on local characteristic resources, expand the multiple functions of the countryside, advance in breadth and depth, and promote the development and growth of rural industries.

  At the Central Rural Work Conference in 2022, the general secretary clearly pointed out that relying on agricultural and rural characteristic resources, we should seek benefits from the development of multiple functions of agriculture and the digging of rural multiple values, and seek benefits from the integration and development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries. Promoting business status and building brands, promoting the upgrading of the entire chain of rural industries, and enhancing market competitiveness and sustainable development capabilities.

  The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China made a clear deployment: "Develop rural characteristic industries and broaden the channels for farmers to increase their income and become rich."

  At present, all localities are accelerating the exploration of rural industrial development.

Industries such as miscellaneous grains and beans, vegetables and fruits, tea and sericulture, flower seedlings, edible fungi, traditional Chinese medicinal materials, and specialty breeding have been continuously upgraded. Many places have turned small varieties into large industries that increase farmers' income.

  Featured resources, multiple functions, multiple values, whole chain upgrade... This is the revitalization path of rural characteristic industries, the only way to speed up the construction of a strong agricultural country, and the way to realize people's greater sense of gain and happiness.

  Planning: Huo Xiaoguang

  Chief Writers: Han Jie, Yu Wenjing, Yan Fujing

  Coordinator: Zhang Xiaosong, Wang Xuan, Wang Yu

  Visual | Editors: Zhang Shuning, Bao Yuhan

  Produced in-house by Xinhua News Agency

  Produced by Xinhua News Agency First Studio