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This is the Central Angeles Police Department in the Philippines in 2017.

Someone yelled harshly,

[everybody get down.]

Police officers line up and stretch out.

[Della Rosa/Philippine Police Commissioner: These XXs, did you become a police officer to get money?

I know the uniform you're wearing is embarrassing!

Bad bitches.]

The person shouting is none other than Police Commissioner Della Rosa, who was the head of the Philippine Police at the time.

He came all the way to Angeles to scold the seven 'corrupt cops'.

These police officers are accused of detaining three Korean golf tourists for illegal gambling and then releasing them after receiving 300,000 pesos or about 7 million won.

[Della Rosa/Philippine Police Commissioner: Was it legal?

So, why did you take the money?

Why did you hit the tourists?

Where in the world is this 'legal crackdown'?]

But it only lasted for 10 minutes.

(Edited by Jung Yong-hee, Produced by D Contents Planning Department)