It is common for police patrols to go out to shops to deal with cases of petty theft, what is popularly known as shoplifting.

All the less often they have to deal with claw-fingered candy marauders - but it does happen.

This week, a 35-year-old man was caught in Boden after putting his hands in the loose candy.

- This type of case happens often and requires a lot of our resources.

The remaining candy could not be sold and a report of minor damage was drawn up, says Elisabeth Glaas, press spokesperson at the police.

"It's a big mess"

Elisabeth Glaas says that the type of crime she hears is a big upheaval for the shop owners.

- Society does not accept that we do that and when it is younger people, it can be a good preventive measure for the police to come to the scene.

That's how people feel about scribbling

We went down to the town in Luleå to check if the citizens are aware of the crime - and if they themselves usually see the offense in the shops.

- It happens almost every time I'm in the store.

I ask them to go to hell, says Robert Björkefors when he sees people putting their fists in the candy boxes.

In the clip, you hear more voices about the candy loading.