
One of KT's internet TV channels, 'Tongil TV', received a notice to stop its transmission amid controversy over promoting the North Korean regime.

The passport raised doubts about the background of Tongil TV's approval.

This is reporter Park Chan-beom.


This is a program of Tongil TV, which started broadcasting on KT Internet TV in August of last year.

We are introducing a video from 'Chosun Central TV'

[Broadcast host: 10 years since Secretary General Kim Jong-un came to power, the most important topic was the people-first principle.]

We also reveal our views on industrial development in North Korea.

[Broadcast Host: The birth of 'Juchecheol' stemming from the will of self-reliance, it seems to be a history that we need to keep an eye on even for those of us who lack resources.] As

of yesterday (18th), KT stopped broadcasting Tongil TV channels.

KT explained, "After confirming the propaganda of the superiority of North Korea's ideological system, we notified the contract termination."

Tongil TV received two notices from the Ministry of Science and ICT in 2019 that it could not register as a channel operator, and it was confirmed as a result of SBS coverage.

The Ministry of Science and Technology made a decision not to register for Tongil TV out of concern about possible violations of the National Security Law and conflicts between South and North Korea.

The Ministry of Science and Technology explained the reason that "Tongil TV revised and supplemented the business plan and submitted it," but did not disclose which parts were specifically improved.

[Kim Young-sik/Rep. People's Power: I have doubts about how it was organized and reflected as a normal channel.

I think we need to check whether there is a procedural problem in allowing the registration of the Tongil TV channel (business operator).]

The Tongil TV side said that the hosts have never made statements that violated the National Security Law, and that the purpose of the program is to look at North Korea without prejudice. It is said that it is considering an administrative lawsuit against KT, which notified the suspension of transmission.

(Video coverage: Kim Hak-mo, Yang Doo-won, Kim Yong-woo, video editing: Lee Seung-yeol, CG: Lee Jong-jeong, Jegal-chan)