Sad news came from Argentina that a 12-year-old girl died while doing the so-called 'fainting challenge' that is popular on social media.

The 'pass out challenge', also called the blackout challenge, involves holding your breath until you pass out.

According to American media, it first appeared in 2008 and has been very popular among teenagers since the year before last.

A 12-year-old Argentinian girl, Mila Gros Soto, also died after 'holding her breath until she passed out' on her own bed.

A girl attempting her challenge, cheered on by her friends online, failed to wake up on her third attempt.

The girl's aunt, Lali Luque, called for a full investigation of her case, saying "someone instigated this challenge to her niece" on her social media account. There were no traces.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that at least 80 people have died so far from the challenge.