2 hours of outdoor sports every day is good for children's eyes!

【Healthy and Happy New Year】(4)

  The winter vacation coincides with the Spring Festival. If children and adolescents live irregularly and use their eyes at close range for a long time, it is easy to cause myopia or deepen myopia.

  When choosing a video tool, you must adhere to the principle of "rather big than small". The order of selection is projection, TV, computer, tablet computer, and mobile phone.

  Take breaks when watching electronic screens.

It is recommended that after looking at the screen for 20 minutes, look up at a distance of 20 feet (6 meters) for at least 20 seconds, that is, the "20-20-20" mantra.

The non-study use of electronic products should not exceed 15 minutes, and the accumulation of each day should not exceed 1 hour.

The younger the age, the shorter the continuous use of electronic products should be.

  Outdoor activities are the most effective and economical way to prevent and control myopia.

It is recommended that outdoor activities be no less than 2 hours a day and no less than 14 hours a week.

The key to outdoor activities is "outdoors". Even if the outdoor temperature is low, it is necessary to go outdoors frequently under the condition of keeping warm and cold.

  Ball games of all kinds are great ways to exercise outdoors.

When playing ball, the eyes can track the distance and distance of the ball, which can effectively exercise the ciliary muscle and promote blood circulation in the eyes.

  Source: Healthy China Mapping: Wang Junke