Stéphane Bern SEASON 2022 - 2023 4:00 p.m., January 16, 2023

Historically Yours brings together three characters who have a smile: the painter Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun, known in particular for her paintings of Marie-Antoinette, who liberated the art of the portrait by painting smiling and natural faces, starting with her own and of his daughter.

Then he, his smile - terrifying - inspired another, even more famous: the comedian Conrad Veidt who played in "The Man Who Laughs"... a man whose face has been mutilated, and his mouth widened on each side up to the ears, forming a horrible smile that never fades, then taken up in the Comics by a certain Joker.

And a living artist, always dying of laughter on his canvases where he stages himself laughing, a little, a lot, madly: the Chinese painter Yue Minjun.

The guests :


Cécile Berly

, historian specializing in the 18th century and the history of women, author of "Three women: Madame du Deffand, Madame Roland, Madame Vigée Le Brun" (Passés Composés)


Léo Soesanto

, film journalist at Liberation.