The German Brain Foundation said that sudden dizziness requires consulting a doctor immediately, as it may warn of a stroke, especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as speech difficulties, vision disorders, and paralysis on one side of the body.

In this case, speed of action is required - as the German Foundation explains - because every minute has its price in saving the patient's life or protecting him from serious permanent damage that may befall him, such as paralysis.

This condition often requires medical care in the intensive care unit.

Benign positional vertigo

If we exclude a stroke, there is another cause of vertigo that often lies in the middle ear, where small calcareous crystals important for our sense of balance slip there, causing what is called "benign positional vertigo", which is the most common type of vertigo, and occurs in the form of a feeling of spinning due to a change in sudden head position.

This vertigo is often accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, headache and tinnitus.

This vertigo is usually treated with exercises, which restore balance to the crystals, or with medications.

In advanced cases, such as obstruction of the semicircular canal, surgery can be resorted to.