
China, which took retaliatory measures such as suspending visa issuance to Korea and Japan in protest of entry restrictions on people from China, emphasized the legitimacy every day, saying that there is a reason for doing so.

On the other hand, the United States and Europe are not taking any action. Correspondent Jeong Young-tae in Beijing has pointed out how to see the reason.


Chinese state media criticize Korea and Japan's quarantine measures, claiming that Korea's regulations are the most severe and that losses will be greater.

He also said that Southeast Asian countries rather welcome Chinese tourists.

[Chinese People's Daily SNS: Foreign Prime Minister of Thailand welcomed Chinese tourists, but Japan and Korea took political discriminatory measures, so we can't blame China.]

On the other hand, the US and Europe did not take any action, but rather normalized flights between the US and China.

It looks like it's coming out.

On the surface, Japan is the fastest to bring out measures to restrict entry from China, and Korea is advocating that it even suspended short-term visas first.

[Wang Wenbin/China Foreign Ministry Spokesperson: (Why are there no measures in the US and Europe?) They responded equally based on the facts of the countries involved in discriminatory measures against China.] It seems like

they are trying to divide Korea, the US and Japan, but Xi Jinping is in power 3 It is an analysis that as much as we have been striving to improve relations with the United States and Europe since the launch, we have chosen Korea and Japan, which are easier to deal with, and sent a warning message to the world about entry restrictions from China.

It is noteworthy that Japan has taken stronger retaliatory measures than South Korea, such as suspending general visa issuance to Japan.

There is also a view that it is retaliation for Japan's recent strengthening of the US-Japan security alliance and increased military power targeting China.

The difference between Korea and Japan's response is also an evaluation that the quarantine policy reflects the diplomatic stance of leading Korea to a more neutral zone in the competitive landscape with the United States.

(Video coverage: Choi Deok-hyun, video editing: Oh No-young)