“It should be taken into account that cartographic images and other similar materials, as a rule, perform an exclusively informative function.

At the same time, their inclusion in the concept of "extremist materials" on the basis of the proposed criterion implies that a particular subject has the intent to take actions to challenge the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation.

This may hinder the formation of a unified law enforcement practice.

The government of the Russian Federation supports the bill, provided that it is finalized taking into account the comments made, ”the Cabinet’s response to the project, available to RIA Novosti, says.

Earlier, the head of the Ministry of Education of Russia, Sergey Kravtsov, said that maps in school textbooks on geography will be updated taking into account new regions after the introduction of new curricula.

In early October, Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the ratification of the treaties and signed federal constitutional laws on the admission of the DNR, LNR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions into Russia.

In March 2014, Crimea became a Russian region after a referendum was held there: the majority of residents voted for reunification with Russia.