“Lipolysis, the metabolic process of fat breakdown, is more powerful at night in the presence of somatotropin and testosterone hormones, which are produced only if you go to bed on time.

To normalize weight, it is necessary to use the natural reparative-lipolytic systems of the body, so I recommend falling asleep until 23:00 or at least until the end of the day, ”said the specialist.

According to the nutritionist, often extra pounds after the holidays are swelling.

Brykin recalled that they are formed, in particular, from the use of alcohol and salty foods.

“Due to insufficient water intake, fluid is also accumulated during lipolysis: the body stores it as a reserve.

Therefore, in order to get rid of edema, which add numbers on the scales, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of drinking water, ”he emphasized.

According to him, it is possible to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract if you adhere to the following principles: fragmentation, regularity, moderation, balance, safety and variety.

“During the New Year holidays, our digestive system experienced an increased load, and more than one or two days.

Now the primary goals for nutrition are to reduce the amount of calories consumed and activate lipolysis, in other words, the process of releasing fatty acids for the body to use as an energy source.

To get rid of extra kilos, you should not drastically go on a diet and thereby expose the body to stress: it is enough to adhere to the basic rules of a balanced diet, ”said Brykin.

He explained that half of the meal should be vegetables, a quarter - protein foods, such as meat, chicken, fish, the remaining quarter - a side dish.

As for the latter, it is better to give preference to whole grains - buckwheat, durum wheat pasta, bulgur, wild and brown rice.

It is these complex carbohydrates that will give the body energy and long-term saturation, the interlocutor of RT explained.

The nutritionist also recalled the basic rules: the rejection of alcohol, sugar-containing foods, pastries, as well as fatty sauces such as mayonnaise.

“Another basic recommendation that helps in weight loss is to speed up metabolic processes, increase the energy costs of the body.

To do this, I recommend introducing regular physical activity from 20 minutes a day or 60 minutes three times a week with a pulse of 130 beats per minute, but only in the absence of contraindications, ”he concluded.

Earlier, nutritionist Solomatina told how to feel cheerful after the holidays.