President Biden of the United States visited the border area with Mexico for the first time after taking office, where a large number of people seeking to enter the country without going through legal procedures.

President Biden just announced last week a policy to strengthen the crackdown on illegal immigration, and has appealed his stance to tackle the immigration issue amid continued criticism from his opposition and Republicans.

Many people are trying to enter the country without going through legal procedures in the hope that the Biden administration will adopt a policy of tolerance for immigrants near the border between the United States and Mexico.

Under these circumstances, President Biden visited El Paso, a town in southern Texas in the border area, on the 8th to inspect the status of immigration control and exchanged opinions with border security officials and local legislators.

It will be his first visit to the border area since he took office.

President Biden last week announced a policy to tighten the crackdown on illegal immigration, including expanding the number of countries eligible for immediate deportation of those who entered the country illegally.

The Biden administration's immigration policy has been criticized for being inadequate by the opposition and Republicans, and this time it is a form of appealing to tackle immigration issues by visiting the border area.

President Biden will also take up immigration issues at the summit meeting with Mexican President Lopez Obrador on the 9th.