A 26-year-old man was found guilty of aggravated violence and sentenced on Tuesday to eighteen months in prison after a particularly violent attack, committed on New Year's morning in Nice.

Judged in immediate appearance, the defendant, who was filmed by CCTV cameras in the process of beating another individual also alcoholic, was already under judicial control for driving under the influence of narcotics, reports

Nice -Morning


After a night spent in a disco, the tone would have risen between the two men following inappropriate remarks addressed to the companion of the attacker, specifies



Hit for the first time by this Thai boxing fan, the victim falls to the ground before suffering yet more punches and a kick.

"With alcohol, I did not hold back"

Result: broken nose, swollen lips and eyes, orbital plateau and broken jaws.

The “injuries are extremely serious,” said the prosecutor, requesting against the defendant, who fled, two years in prison and the revocation of the four-month suspended sentence pronounced during his previous conviction.

"I'm sorry, I acted out of fear.

With alcohol, I didn't hold back.

I was mugged last summer.

I thought he was hiding a knife, ”defended the young man, according to comments reported by



The court finally sentenced him to fourteen months in prison, plus the other four months.

Miscellaneous facts

Nice: Rail traffic disrupted after the violent attack on a controller


Cannes: The town hall withdraws the father of one of the attackers of Angèle, 89, from his place on a market

  • Justice

  • Nice

  • Paca

  • Assault

  • Alcohol