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On New Year's Day, massive drone strikes were carried out in Ukraine, which is at war with Russia.

According to foreign media reports such as Reuters, yesterday (1st) in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, residents stayed at home to welcome the New Year in accordance with a wartime curfew, but as soon as midnight passed, an air raid warning followed by a self-destruct drone attack followed.

Some residents shouted "Glory to Ukraine" out of their windows, reaffirming their will to fight.

No casualties were reported in Kiiu, but at least three people were killed and more than 50 injured in drone strikes and missile strikes elsewhere.

Ukrainian authorities say they shot down 45 drones from Russia.

"They will not take away our independence," Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a speech that night.

Kiiu police also released a photo on Telegram saying that "Happy New Year" was written in Russian handwriting on the wreckage of a drone that fell on the playground.

The police also accused Russia of "dropping a drone on a children's playground, not a battlefield."

The Russian Defense Ministry also launched a long-range missile attack on the last day of last year, the 31st of last month, and said it was aimed at unmanned aerial vehicles in Ukraine.

Russian President Vladimir Putin continued his nine-minute speech in his New Year's address, which was broadcast immediately after the indiscriminate bombing the day before, saying, "The moral and historical legitimacy lies in Russia."

(Photo = Telegram excerpt from Kiiwu Police Chief, Yonhap News)